
GIOSUÈ is faced with an arduous undertaking. He must lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land, and enormous obstacles await him. But the Eternal assures him that he will succeed and reassures him by practically saying: ‘Be courageous and strong. Keep my Law. Read it day and night, to scrupulously observe everything written there. Then you will succeed in life and act wisely ‘( Josh. 1: 7, 8 ).
In these “troubled times,” we too may face obstacles filled with situations ( 2 Tim. 3: 1 ). We will be able to overcome them by following the same advice that God gave to Joshua: to read the Bible regularly and to strictly apply its principles when facing trials.
Perhaps many of us think we are not great scholars or do not like studying. If this is the case, remember how important it is to study the Bible. In the box “Try these tips ”you will find some useful tips to make the study more beautiful and effective.
“Lead me in the path of your commandments,” sang the psalmist, “for in it I find joy ” ( Ps. 119: 35 ). You will experience great joy by studying God’s Word. As you dig for spiritual treasures you will discover very precious gems.
Even if you don’t have to lead a nation like Joshua did, you still have to face other problems. So, follow her example. Study what has been written for your own good and put it into practice. This way you will succeed in life and act wisely.
- Pray before studying. The Bible contains the thoughts of the Almighty. God had them written down for our good, so ask Him to help you understand, remember, and apply what you read ( Ezr. 7:10 ) .
- Ask yourself questions as you read the Bible or Bible literature. “What does this passage teach me about the Lord? How does it relate to the general message of his Word? How can I use these thoughts to help others? “
- Think about what you are studying. Stop and think about what you have read. “How does it make me feel? Why does it make me feel this way? How can I connect this passage with my past experiences, with my present or with possible future situations? How can I apply these Bible principles or counsel in my life? ” ( Job 23: 5; Ps. 49: 3 ). Try to understand why the Lord asks us to avoid certain things. Or think about what the consequences would be if we went our own way ( Deut. 32:28, 29 ).
- Use your imagination when reading narrative passages. For example, can you imagine the scene where Joseph is sold by his brothers to Ishmaelites? ( Gen. 37: 18-28 ). What do you see? What sounds and noises do you hear? What smells and fragrances are there? Identify yourself with the characters. What are they thinking? What do they feel? Reflections like these will make your study more alive and meaningful.
- Use study tools that allow you to learn more about the subject. Learn to use the ones available in your language, both online and on paper. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to help you. For example, valid Commentaries, Interlinear from Greek to Italian, alternatively from Classical Greek to English, Biblical maps.
- Summarize the main points to remember what you have studied. Also talk to others about what you have learned. Is there anything you can use in the ministry? In these ways you will not only fix the main points in your mind, but you can also use what you have studied for the benefit of others.
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